Making API Calls to a Salesforce server using a Static IP from a serverless environment in GCP.

Aditya Vashistha
5 min readOct 21, 2020


  1. Basic Understanding of Cloud deployments.
  2. A Google Cloud Console project.
  3. Knowledge of deploying Node.js app on GCP App Engine.
  4. Knowledge of deploying Infrastructure on GCP using Terraform.
  5. Setting up an Nginx Reverse Proxy Server.

This article illustrates how we set-up a GCP infrastructure that enabled our application deployed on App Engine to make API calls to a server that requested a Static IP for whitelisting.


We needed to deploy this infrastructure because App Engine is a highly scalable, fully managed serverless platform [1] but does not provide Static IP addresses to make API calls.

We had an application deployed on App Engine that needed to make API calls to a Salesforce server residing at an on-premise location. The requirement was that there be a whitelisted static IP address from where the Salesforce server is being hit. The API was a traditional SOAP API request which returned data specific to each user that logged into the application.




Aditya Vashistha

I am a Data and Cloud Engineer with a keen interest in deploying scalable solutions on the Cloud.